
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
創意思維策略在作文教學之實施 check Full Text
黃巧燕 鄭振偉 2021. Master
創造思考策略融入中國語文科教學對學生創造力之影響 = The effects of inclusion of creative thinking strategy in the teaching of Chinese lessons on student creativity
簡穗川 盧林發 2006. Master
梁定剛 田野 2009. Master
創作性戲劇教學結合歷史教學之行動研究 : 從澳門歷史城區出發 check Full Text
傅艷芬 宋明娟 2015. Master
詞原考論 check Full Text
何曉敏 施議對 2013. Doctoral
慈善組織與志願者的關係如何界定? : 以 "慈善法" 為視角 = How to define the relationship between charitable organizations and volunteers? : from the view of charity law check Full Text
張棟洋 唐曉晴 2017. Master
從 "公民及政治權利國際公約" 及比較法看澳門刑事上訴制度 : On the criminal appellate system in Macao from the perspective of International Covenant on Civil and Political Right sand Comparative Law check Full Text
何國盛 李哲 2020. Master
從 "華英字典" 看馬禮遜的 "廣東" 方言文化觀 check Full Text
李玲麗 邵朝陽 2013. Master
從 "街頭官僚理" 分析公共政策執行 : 以珠海橫琴新區為例 = Using street bureaucratic theory to analyze implementation of police policy : a study with Zhuhai Hengqin's new district as example check Full Text
張傑 劉伯龍 2015. Master
從 "聊齋誌異" 中鬼的形象看蒲松齡的愛情哲學 = A study of Pu Songling's philosophy of love from the perspective of the imagery of ghosts in Liao Zhai Zhi Yi check Full Text
陳家杰 鄧駿捷 2016. Master
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