
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
黃潔嫻 霍啓昌 1998. Master
明清宮廷耶穌會士及其 "求容" 策略研究 (1601-1723)
陳玉芳 湯開建 2014. Doctoral
明清嶺南儒佛思想與天然函昰 "瞎堂詩集" 研究 = A study on the thought of Buddhism and Confucian during Ming and Qing Dynasties in south of the five ridges : based on master Tianran Hanshi and his Xiatang Anthology check Full Text
符愔暢 鄭德華 2015. Master
明清詩詞中澳門 "三巴寺" 的文學形象 = The literary image of St. Paul Church in Ming and Qing poetry check Full Text
林佩怡 鄧駿捷 2016. Master
明遺民張岱的小品寫作研究 : 以《陶庵夢憶》《西湖夢尋》為中心 = The study of essays of Zhang Dai, an adherent of Ming dynasty : focus on Recollections of Taoan's Past Dreams and Search The West Lake in Dreams check Full Text
謝子琦 鄧駿捷 2022. Master
Total Results: 5