
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Measuring customer service quality in Macau's mobile phone industry
Sun, Chi Wan Soo, May Cheng 2007. Master
Multiple-bandgap defected ground structure and its applications to highly selective microwave bandpass filters
Ting, Sio Weng Tam, Kam Weng 2008. Doctoral
Modulation of oleanolic acid dissolution profile via solid state manipulation and self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS)
Xi, Jia Zheng, Ying 2008. Master
Macao poetry today : a study of contemporary writing across cultures
Vong, Lai Ieng Kelen Christopher 2008. Master
Mudam-se os tempos mudam-se os casamentos? O casamento entre pessoas do mesmo sexo e o direito Portugues
Santos, Duarte Cid, Nuno de Salter 2008. Master
Macanese in the global network : a study of post-colonial Macanese cultural identity performance
Larrea Y Eusebio, Maria Elisabela Simpson, Timothy Alan 2008. Master
Machines in Faulkner's Mississippi garden
Tam, Pou U Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master
Macao temple poems
Seak, Petra Kelen Christopher 2009. Master
Macao's economic competitiveness in the Pan-PRD region
He, Miao Ho, Wai Hong 2009. Master
Macau e o Comércio do Ópio
Sam, Antonieta Glória Venancio, Jose Carlos 2010. Master
Total Results: 349

Showing 51 to 60 of 349 results