
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Solutions on human resources constraints under Macao's economic reform : case study of the voluntary redundancy and leave schemes by the gaming sector check Full Text
Lo, King Hang 馮家超 2022. Doctoral
建設北回歸線生態旅遊帶,助力鄉村振興的策略研究 : 以打造“北回歸線上的足跡”IP為例
陳日鈴 馮家超 2023. Doctoral
深化粵澳人才合作研究 : 以橫琴粵澳深合區金融業發展為例
張蕾 馮家超 2023. Doctoral
Tools for improving the table games efficiency and maximizing the table games revenue in Macao casinos check Full Text
Chan, Kai Ip 馮家超 2015. Master
Relationships between services quality, market limit, VIP table game players' satisfaction and game spend check Full Text
Chan, Si Wan 馮家超 2017. Master
MFLL 000Juridical-Political Sciences (Chinese Language) (SAMPLE) 澳門政制發展中的立法會間接選舉制度 = Indirect election system of Legislative Council in the constitutional development of Macau
鄭嘉恩 駱偉建 2012. Master
PFLL(Public or Political Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) 授權原理與特區高度自治
何慶文 駱偉建 2017. Doctoral
澳門原有法律制度及原則對法院審判權所作限制之研究 = A study on the restrictions on the jurisdiction imposed by the legal system and principles previously in force in Macao
周挺 駱偉建 2013. Master
澳門三權之間的關係研究 : 三者之間的制衡和合作 check Full Text
鄭錦耀 駱偉建 2017. Doctoral
"一國兩制" 下的中央與特區關係研究 : 理論構建與制度完善 check Full Text
江華 駱偉建 2016. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

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