
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)


論實行行為之認定 = On tatausfuhrung

English Abstract

Tatausführung is an important category in criminal law theory .The full text is divided into three major parts: the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. The methods of historical, comparative analysis, combined with the criminal law normative analysis and other methods are used to give a research on Conduct, Concept of Tatausführung, Ontology of the Tatausführung, and Special Tatausführung. The aim of the discussions in the thesis on Tatausführung is to clarify this important category systematically, which promotes the criminal law theory research to value the Tatausführung. The situation of theory of the Tatausführung should be stressed and seen as an important category in criminal law. Firstly, we should clarify the theory premises of it, because the behavior that enters the criminal constitution in the visual field is the legal typical Act of Perpetrating, which is the abstract result of innumerable changing behavior after neglecting their concrete aspects. Therefore, what we need to clarify is to solve whether the legislation object for evaluating is a behavior of subjective malignant, or objective behavior of the person, namely the opposite evaluation object causes the opposition of Tatstrafrecht and T terstrafrecht. Based on the two analyzing positions, the theory preemies of Tatausführung can only be built on the position of the Tatstrafrecht. As an important concept in criminal law, Tatausführung has its special category and content. Civil law countries have a long debate on the concept of Tatausführun, which in the beginning has the objectivism, subjectivism, compromise saying and different viewpoints. Our country has also formed the argument between objectivism and subjectivism. The analysis concluded that we should adhere to The Substantive -Objectivism Unify. In view of this point, this thesis stands on substantial violation on legal interest, and argues that Tatausführung exists in concrete criminal constitution and has practical dangers of violation on legal interest. On the basis of this concept, V Tatausführung has following features:legal, typical, realistic. Fundamentally, Tatausführung is a realistic risk. Raised as an independent category in criminal law, the mechanism of the concept can be divided into identity mechanism of crime, specific mechanism of crime,and limited mechanism of crime. This thesis mainly discusses the Ontology, that is, realistic danger is the essence of the Tatausführung abroad. By the way, we can clearly distinguish Tatausführung from Un-perpetrating acting. The regulation of the Act of Perpetrating is substantial dimension. Judgment on whether this dimension exists focuses on practical dangers of violation on legal interest. The judgment of Tatausführung execution is the focus in criminal law field .Compared with other theories, specific hazards saying should be judged as an appropriate standard. After analyzing all points, author argues that we should adhere to the principle of Subjective and objective unity, and the principal of Legality. The next discussions involve Tatausführung and harmful behavior, Tatausführung and prepared behavior, Tatausführung and helpful behavior, and so on. Finally, to make the discussion of the theory more satisfying, this thesis deeply discusses untypical conduct types, such as factual indirect conduct, nonstandard omission, and voluntary act in cause. Key words:Conduct Tatausfü hrung Realistic Danger

Chinese Abstract

實行行為是現代刑法理論中的重要範疇。本文共分為前言、正文和結語三部分, 主要採用了歷史的、比較的分析方法,結合刑法規範分析等方法對實行行為的立論 前提行為論、實行行為的概念、特徵及其在犯罪論中的地位和機能、實行行為的本 質及其分類、實行著手學說、實行行為與相關概念的辨析和實行行為的異常形態等 基礎理論問題進行了分析和研究,力圖完善我國犯罪理論體系和刑事立法,從而促 進刑法理論對實行行為的重視。 本文首先必須要解決的問題是實行行為立論前提的澄清。並非所有的行為都是 實行行為,只有那些進入犯罪構成視野的、並被立法類型化了的行為才是實行行為。 這種將事實上無數變化著的行為抹去具體面孔進而抽象的過程必須要首先明確刑罰 所評價的對象是行為人的主觀惡性還是行為人客觀上的行為,亦即行為刑法和行為 人刑法的立場對立。本文通過分析對比得出,在規範視野下的實行行為只能是在行 為刑法的立場之上。 作為重要的刑法概念,實行行為有其特有的範疇內容,亦即正文第二部分概論 的內容。大陸法系刑法學界對於實行行為的概念經歷了長時間的爭論,主要是客觀 說和主觀說之分,而我國內地學者因為受到了四要件學說的影響,也存在形式到實 質的爭論。通過分析得出的結論是應堅持形式和實質統一說即從規範的層面講,實 行行為是由刑法分則各條規定的類型化了的具有侵害法益現實危險性的行為,具有 抽象性、規範性的特點;從事實層面上講,則是指行為人開始實施刑法分則條文規 定的具有侵害法益現實危險性的行為。進而,本文認為實行行為的概念應該是:符 合刑法分則具體犯罪構成規定的具有法益侵害現實危險性的行為。實行行為除具備 危害行為的一般特徵之外,還具有法定性、類型性和現實危險性的特徵,其中現實 危險性是其本質特徵。回到犯罪論地位的思考中,認為實行行為是整個犯罪論的基 石。實行行為還具有犯罪化機能、犯罪個別化機能和界限功能。 實行行為的本體論是本文的重點。通過對實行行為的本質即現實危險性的分 析,可以較清楚地將實行行為與其他非實行行為區別。在對“危險”的判斷上,德 日刑法尚有純粹的主觀說、抽象的危險說、具體的危險說和客觀危險說。本文認為 應堅持具體危險說作為危險判斷的標準。在此基礎之上,又從行為人角度和行為數 目角度對實行行為進行了分類。關於實行行為著手的判斷,歷來是刑法學界爭議的 焦點,本文在分析各種觀點的基礎上,認為必須堅持主客觀相統一以及罪刑法定原 則。並提出在認定實行著手上需要考察的幾個方面。為了使實行行為概念更為清晰, 本文還對與實行行為相關的概念進行了辨析。 最後,為了在實踐中更好地把握實行行為,對於間接實行行為、原因自由行為 的實行行為和不作為犯的實行行為等非典型形態的行為作了深入的探討。 關鍵字:行為,實行行為,現實危險

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Faculty of Law




Criminal act


Criminal attempt


Criminal intent




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