
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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網絡詐騙相關問題的研究 = The research of network fraud

English Abstract

[The Research of Network Fraud] [He Chong Wen] ([Comparative Criminal Law]) Directed By[Zhao Guo Qiang] [ABSTRACT] With the continuous progress of science and technology, the rapid development of the Internet, people are far away from the distance. A myriad of alternating optical fiber crisscross give the people far away from a way to connect through the network, and the earth has become a real global village. The rise of network provides a convenient communication in people's production work. On the other hand, criminals use the convenience of the network to march to the network users. China is a country with a large population with the population mobility and social development. convenient means of communication were used because of the further development of convenience of online transactions and the third party platform, and network security issues have also been further shocks. When people enjoy the convenience of network, they also bear network security threats. In recent years, with the rapid development of the network, the network problem has been exposed in practice. "Network fraud" is a new type of crimes which is derived from the rapid popularization of Internet and the increasing number of Internet users. Compared with the traditional crime of fraud, there are some similarities and differences. It has special properties, such as the use of the Internet as a medium for crime, a hidden object covered in means, and mainly focus on the high IQ of younger age Internet users. But also the evidence of fraud is hard to be taken. Some characteristics of the Internet fraud are not only a social phenomenon, but also a legal issue. We have to face up to the problems, and solve the problems. So we shall discuss the Internet fraud From around the world and prove the network fraud experience in its essence to its dregs from all over the world for fighting against online frauds. In this paper, the author mainly discusses from four aspects, first of all, the paper will start from the relevant overview of network fraud and point out disputes and problems of Internet fraud. In the second part, this paper analysis from three aspects which are the virtual currency, the meaning of joint crime and the principle of jurisdiction dispute. Then, summarize the constitutive elements of the network fraud crime. Finally, maybe the combination of the above three parts will perfect the system of China's network fraud crime, and solve the problems after finding problems. The paper may do something for the maintenance of network security and protecting people and property. KEY WORDS:[ Internet fraud] [virtual property] [joint crime] [the principle of jurisdiction] [ criminal responsibility ]

Chinese Abstract

网络诈骗问题的相关研究 摘 要 科技的不断进步,网络的迅猛发展,使得原来相距甚远的人们变得近在咫尺。无数条交替的光纤交错纵横,把远在天边的人们通过网络连接在一起,地球变成了一个真正的地球村。网络得兴起一方面在人们生产交流工作上提供了便利,另一方面不法分子利用网络的便利开始把犯罪的魔爪伸向了一些网络用户。 我国是一个人口大国,人口流动性较强,社会发展促使着便捷的交流方式运用于发展,网上交易的便捷程度加之第三方平台的进一步发展,网络安全问题也受到进一步的冲击,人们感受着网络的方便也承担着网络的负担。近年来,网络的飞速发展,网络问题在实践中不断暴露出来。“网络诈骗”就是在当今互联网高速普及、网民人数不断攀升的情况下衍生出的一种新型犯罪形式。与传统的诈骗犯罪相比较而言,有共同之处也有不同之处。它有着自己特殊性质,比如使用作案的工具主要是利用互联网作为媒介,进行犯罪的,在手段上又有一定的隐蔽性,涉猎的对象主要偏向于使用网络的高智商低龄化人群,而且极易在诈骗成功之后销毁证据,使证据的取得具有一定的难度性等特征。网络诈骗问题不仅仅只是一种社会现象,更是一种法律问题。出现问题,我们就要勇于去面对问题,解决问题。从全球范围内去看待网络诈骗给人们的生产、生活所带来的麻烦,从世界各国解决网络诈骗的经验中取其精华去其糟泊,汲取有营养的成分为我国打击防范网络诈骗提供借鉴标本。 本篇论文笔者主要从四个方面进行论述,首先从网络诈骗的相关概述进行研究。引出现阶段,网络诈骗犯罪中遇到的问题分歧或者具有研究意义的难点。本论文主要从虚拟货币、共同犯罪的意义、管辖原则的争议进行分析。在第二部分,具体探析这三个方面的争议点。随后,总结网络诈骗犯罪的构成要件。重点从客观行为入手,并对其刑事责任的司法现状及评价标准的调整进行了简要分析。最后,结合上述三部分,概括提出完善我国网络诈骗犯罪的构思设想,从发现问题到去解决问题,希望可以对于维护网络安全,保障人民财产有着些许意义。关键词: 网络诈骗 ,虚拟财产 ,共同犯罪,管辖原则,刑事责任

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Faculty of Law




Internet fraud


Internet fraud -- China

網上詐騙 -- 中國



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