
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
試論醫方的告知說明義務 = Talk about the obligations to inform the patients
溫靜 唐曉晴 2009. Master
趙占全 趙國強 2004. Master
試論余光中詩歌口語化書寫的風格轉變 = Discussion on the transformation of colloquial style in Yu Guangzhong's poems check Full Text
溫咚荻 朱壽桐 2015. Master
試論執政黨 "青年領袖" 的培養問題
陳永弟 浦興祖 2004. Master
余勇康 包霞琴 2004 Master
卜健 彭勃 2003. Master
試析積極財政政策在我國運行中的經濟效應 : 兼論我國積極財政政策之未來取向
高根強 林明基 2003. Master
試析早期生活經驗對廢名小創作風格的影響 = An analysis to Fei Ming's experience of early life and its influence to his novel and writing style check Full Text
駱嘉怡 朱壽桐 2015. Master
康從之 曹沛霖 2003. Master
Total Results: 19

Showing 11 to 19 of 19 results