
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Motivação na aprendizagem do português como segunda língua : um estudo com estudantes de Macau no ensino secundário e universitário check Full Text
Tang, Seong I Zhang, Jing 2023. Master
MST(S) 000 (SAMPLE) RamanImaging data preprocessing for quantitative analysis
Ao, Wai Hou Chen, Long 2019. Master
MST(M) 000 (SAMPLE) Lasso and estimation consistency of Tweedie's compound Poisson model with elastic net
Yao, Qiu Ran Xu, Li Hu 2019. Master
Macromodels of A/D and D/A converters with PSPICE
Chou, On Sek To, Ching-Nai 1997. Master
Mixed mode phase locked loop macromodeling and simulation with PSPICE
Mak, Peng Kin 1998. Master
Miniaturized parallel coupled-line bandpass filter with spurious response suppression
Cheong, Pedro Tam, Kam-Weng 2005. Master
Martingale method in option pricing theory
Lei, Ngai Heng Ding, Deng 2003. Master
MST(C) 000 (SAMPLE) Behavior prediction of SLT using SPT-N values based on general regression neural network and multivariate statistical analysis
Ao Ieong, Hou Cheong Lok, Man Hoi 2019. Master
MST(E) 000 (SAMPLE) Process compensated CMOS temperature sensor exploiting piecewise base recombination current
Sun, Da Peng Law, Man Kay 2018. Master
MST(CS) 000 (SAMPLE) Peak-sensitive method for time-delay and peak/valley problems in time series forecasting
Ge, Xiao Wei Vong, Chi Man 2017. Master
Total Results: 349

Showing 81 to 90 of 349 results