
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Repurposing Loratadine, an H1 antihistamine, to prevent renal fibrosis by inhibiting epithelial-mesenchymal transtion
Ren, Hai Yan 陳修平 2023. Master
Establishment of quality control methods for Chinese classical prescription baoyuan decoction
Wu, Si Yuan 王一濤 2023. Master
Tetramethylpyrazine nitrone alleviates acute intestinal inflammation by reprogramming macrophage metabolism
Deng, Chuan Han 王穎 2023. Master
Portfolio optimization in high dimensions
Ding, Wen Liang Shu, Lian Jie 2023. Doctoral
Two-stage poetry translation
Song, Wai Lei Wong, Fai 2023. um_theses.
Making decision with Xiaohongshu? : an analysis of travel behavior of Mainland visitors to Macau
Wong, Si Lam Li, Xiao Qin 2023. Master
Parasocial relationship in the context of the COVID-19 pandenmic : a discourse analysis of the Weibo blogger and fan responses
Zhen, Ying Tong Sandel, Todd L. 2023. Master
PharmBCS : a biopharmaceutical classification system (BCS) class prediction web-platform based on machine learning algorithms with multiple molecular representations
Wu, Zheng 陳勁 2023. Master
在低碳膳食下短期高強度間歇訓練和中等強度持續訓練的運動喜愛反應 check Full Text
李思琦 孔兆偉 2023. Master
Searching for roots : the construction of Sibe Ethnic identity after 1949 check Full Text
He, Run Run Lu, Melody Chia-Wen 2023. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

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