
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Human resources development in Macau hotel industry : a case study
Yung, Yee Lee 1996. Master
Hybrid knowledge-based support with learning abilities
Maung, Aung Soe Paing 1997. Master
High technology and Macau industrial transformation
Chang, Mary Yabut Nasol, Ramon Lino 1997. Master
Historia de Japam : a representacao do Outro na obra de Luis Frois
Dias, Ana Cristina Buescu, Helena Carvalhao 1998. Master
How information technology impact on Macau banking
Leong, Cheok In Trigueiros, Duarte Manuel Forjaz Pacheco 1998. Master
How to develop merger and acquisition market in China : standard description and developing suggestion
Jin, Xiao Yue Terpstra, Robert Harold 1998. Master
How to introduce changes in employees' behavior through performance management system
Wai, Wa Chung Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 2000. Master
How to implement civil servant exam recruitment according to the principles of openness, equality, competition and selective
Li, Shi Bin Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 2000. Master
How ISO 9000 approach to total quality management
Sou, On Peng 2000. Master
Human resource practices of Chinese state-owned organizations in Guangdong (empirical study)
Tsao, Chen 2000. Master
Total Results: 176

Showing 1 to 10 of 176 results