
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
論澳門 "世遺" 的文學景觀 = The literary landscape of Macao world heritage check Full Text
歐陽麗彤 鄧駿捷 2021. Master
廖志漢 趙國強 2012. Master
論澳門賭債案件在中國內地的法律適用問題 : 兼論特徵性履行說, 最密切聯繫原則與公共秩序保留原則 = The legal application of Macao gambling debt case in Mainland China : theory of the characteristic performance, the doctrine of the most significant relationship and the doctrine of reservation of public order check Full Text
薛宇 范劍虹 2019. Master
論澳門法制中的電子合同訂立 : 以網上博彩合同為例 check Full Text
朱琳琳 唐曉晴 2020. Doctoral
論澳門分層所有權制度對內地區分所有權立法的借鑒意義 = Significado do regime da propriedade horizontal de Macau como ponto de referência do trabalho legislativo do regime da propriedade horizontal da república popular da China
梁永本 楊立新 2004. Master
論澳門個人資料在大數據時代下的保護 = The study on the protection of personal data in Macau under the age of big data check Full Text
李嘉儒 蘇建峰 2020. Master
論澳門公共服務之優化 : 一站式服務的探討與優化建議
莫寶娟 林明基 2005. Master
論澳門公共行政改革模式 = Macao's public sector reform paradigm check Full Text
肖巧雲 余永逸 2019. Master
論澳門環境保護規劃的法制化及程序化 = The legalization and procedure of the Macao environmental protection planning check Full Text
歐志丹 蔣朝陽 2015. Master
梁惠英 鄧景濱 2007. Master
Total Results: 230

Showing 11 to 20 of 230 results