
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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論澳門環境保護規劃的法制化及程序化 = The legalization and procedure of the Macao environmental protection planning

English Abstract

With more vigorous economic and social development in Macao, formulating differents areas of administrative plan to implement scientifically and systematically long-term policies and concrete measures has become one of the priorities of the SAR Government in recent years. In the newest 2015 policy address, it is proposed the development of "building a world tourism and leisure center five-year plan", which covering all aspects of the future annual policy. These different kinds of administrative plans worked as the commanding document for the next few years. Therefore, whether these administrative planning is legitimate, reasonable and effective implementation should be cause for concern and should be monitored. At present, the administrative law system in Macau, the theoretical research about "administrative planning" is almost empty. Macau " Code of Administrative Procedure" does not include the "administrative planning" as one of administrative activities. At this stage, the SAR Government still remains more concern on preparation of the document not so much emphasis on the implementation phase. Similarly, for assuring environmental protection works could be carried out is to establish a basic and effective system. In fact the environmental planning is the primary line of defense to achieve environmental policies, objectives and measures. Most countries in the world already regulated in the Basic environmental Law for building a national or regional environmental plan and its coordination mechanism. Macao Environmental Protection Bureau has published the "Macao Environmental Protection Plan (2010-2020)" in 2012. However, due to administrative planning not in Macao's "Code of Administrative Procedure" and environmental planning not in "Environmental Framework Law", there is not enough to ensure the effective preparation and implementation of environmental plans. The environmental planning 第 5 頁 has not given sufficient potency, it was easier to generate future environmental concessions to economic or social development. For the above reasons, this study is adhering to the "discovery problems - analysis of the problem - to solve the problem", starting from the basic theoretical foundation of the administrative planning on the basis of comparison with the domestic and foreign administrative planning and environmental planning system to identify current problems of Macao’s environmental protection plan. To solve these problems, focusing on environmental planning system in the legal control, process control, and other supporting systems from the preparation to the implementation stages; from the theoretical level and system level to provide recomendations. This paper is combined with the theory of environmental management, environmental planning and administrative law and other disciplines, based on the literature review, investigation and analysis to study the legislation and proceudure of the environmental planning. Through the approaches of comparison, analyze, summarize and refine, take environmental planning as a study case by case and theoretical analyze. The study looks forward to promote environmental planning into the legal system and a comprehensive program, with expecting the SAR Government's overall administrative planning will gradually improve in practice.

Chinese Abstract

在急速的經濟和社會發展中的澳門,近年來制定行政規劃來實施科學、系統、 長期的政策和具體措施,已成為澳門特區政府的首要任務之一。在最新的 2015 年施政報告中,提出“建設世界旅遊休閒中心五年規劃”,希望涵蓋未來年度政 府政策的各重要範疇的發展。這些不同種類的行政規劃,無疑已作為未來幾年特 區施政的指揮棒。因此,這些行政規劃是否合法、合理並有效的實施應該引起我 們的關注,並需要進行監督和評估。目前,在澳門行政法律體系,關於“行政規 劃”的理論研究幾乎是空白。在澳門《行政程序法典》中,“行政規劃”,並沒 有被立法者納入為行政活動之一。因此,對於行政規劃,特區政府仍然停留在編 寫和制訂文檔的階段,所以規劃的實施效果更值得關注。 同樣,建立一個基本和有效的制度才能確保環保工作得以順利開展。事實上, 環境保護規劃是實現環境政策、目標和措施的首要防線。全球大多數國家在環境 基本法中均規範了編制國家或地區的環境規劃和相關協調機制。在 2012 年,澳 門環境保護局公佈了《澳門環境保護規劃(2010-2020)》。由於澳門的《行政程 序法典》沒有對行政規劃作出根本性及原則性的規定,在作為本地環境基本法- 《環境綱要法》亦沒有環境規劃或環境基本計劃的相關規定,因此,並不足以保 障環境規劃可以有效實施。由於環境規劃並沒有給予足夠的效力,容易在未來較 容易出現環保讓步於經濟或社會發展。 基於以上原因,本文的研究是秉承“發現問題-分析問題-解決問題”的思 路,從行政規劃的基本理論基礎入手,在對國內外行政規劃以及環境保護規劃制 度的比較與借鑑的基礎上,對澳門環境保護規劃現狀進行剖析,找出當前存在的 問題。針對這些問題,重點研究環境規劃體系中的法律控制、程序控制以及從籌 備到實施各等配套系統,從理論層面和制度層面對環境規劃制度的提出完善建議。 在論文的寫作中,綜合環境管理學、環境規劃學以及行政法學等多學科的理論, 採用文獻查閱,調查分析,實踐與理論分析融合,對澳門環境保護規劃的法制化 及程序化建立進行研究。透過比較、分析、歸納、提煉、總結的方法,以環境保 護規劃為視角進行實用案例分析和理論總結相結合的手段進行探討。本文期待就 此能推動環保規劃納入法制建設,使其進入完備的法制和程序的道路,期望能夠 推進特區政府整體行政規劃工作在實踐中逐步完善。

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Faculty of Law




Environmental protection -- Macau

環境保護 -- 澳門

Environmental policy -- Macau

環境政策 -- 澳門



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