
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
粤語流行曲詞研究 = The study of lyric of Cantonese popular song
勞婉莎 施議對 2004. Master
粤語流行曲歌詞語言特點研究 = Study on the linguistic characteristics of Canton Pop lyrics
宋琨 鄧景濱 2010. Master
林詩敏 鄧景濱 2008. Master
粵澳合作養老服務的策略研究 = Strategic study on Guangdong-Macao elderly services
邵瀅 邢榮發 2023. Master
粵澳兩地高校大一新生體育運動參與度, 動機及意志力之相關研究 check Full Text
解振睿 施達明 2022. Master
粵澳兩地公司高管賄賂犯罪的比較 = Comparative legal analysis of bribery at company's senior management level : Macao's and Guangdong province's persperctives check Full Text
龍幗英 邱庭彪 2018. Master
粵澳區際刑事司法協助制度的構建 check Full Text
孫楹 邱庭彪 2023. Doctoral
粵港澳大灣區背景下的三地代理法比較研究 : A comparative study of the three-regin[i.e. three-region] agency law in the background of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area check Full Text
崔夢雅 范劍虹 2020. Master
粵港澳大灣區城市群環境污染特徵及其治理政策研究 check Full Text
王丹 李桃 2021. Master
粵港澳大灣區城市群經濟的協同發展研究 check Full Text
詹林傑 蕭楊輝 2019. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 2681 to 2690 of 10000 results