
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
企業文化對實施精益生產變革的影響 : 以珠三角企業為例的研究 check Full Text
顧冰峰 Kong, Siew Huat 2022. Doctoral
起義與反叛 : 科幻文學中革命主題的原型研究 = Uprising and rebellion : an archetypical study on the revolutionary themes in science fictions check Full Text
韓陽 龔剛 2016. Master
錢基博與中國文學學術的現代轉型 check Full Text
閆真真 龔剛 2017. Doctoral
錢謙益 "列朝詩集" 選評明代前後七子研究 = Research on Qian Qianyi's Ming Dynasty Poems' selection, processing and commentary of the Former Seven and the Late Seven check Full Text
聞曉虹 鄧駿捷 2016. Master
淺論家庭暴力問題 : 反思本澳家暴法之若干問題 = Brief introduction of domestic violence-reflection on several issues of the law on preventing and combating domestic violence of Macau check Full Text
何倩彤 邱庭彪 2019. Master
淺論西學東漸背景下日本漢學家鹽谷溫的中國小說史研究 = On the history of Chinese novels by Japanese Sinologist Shionoya on under the background of the eastward spread of Western learning check Full Text
卜雨薇 鄧駿捷 2023. Master
淺談澳門短期限制人身自由措施及相關法律 = A brief discussion on the short-term restrictions on personal freedom in Macao and related laws check Full Text
謝宇 李哲 2022. Master
淺談澳門市政機構的行政模式及未來之改革 = The administrative model and future reform of Macao municipal institutions check Full Text
楊雅雯 蔣朝陽 2020. Master
淺談澳門特別行政區政府的危機管理能力 : 以二零零七年五一勞動節遊行為個案分析
王棉娜 余永逸 2011. Master
薛榮滔 霍啓昌 1998. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 1961 to 1970 of 10000 results