
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_down Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Novel danshensu derivatives prevent doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity and enhance its chemotherapeutic efficacy in breast check Full Text
Wang, Liang 張慶文 2016. Doctoral
Novato ou experiente : especificando a categoria “Examinando”na fase de preparação de experimentos neurocientíficos cognitivos
Wen, Zhi Xian Moutinho Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo 2022. Master
Nostalgia and place : Pai Hsien-yung’s self-translation of Taipei People check Full Text
Cao, Qi Lin Sun Yifeng 2020. Master
Northern Wei and Xiao Qi during the period of Emperor Xiaowen's four Southern expeditions check Full Text
Zhu, Xiao Ling 李憑 2016. Master
Norms and translators' subjectivity : on two translations of The Great Gatsby check Full Text
Zhao, Ying Yan Wang, Xian 2015. Master
Normal systems of modal logic
Chou, Soi Ngan, Loureiro, Maria Isabel do Carmo de Almeida 2000. Master
Norm inequalities for commutators
Fong, Kin Sio Cheng, Che Man 2010. Master
Norm inequalities for a matrix product analogous to the commutator
Lok, Io Kei Cheng, Che Man 2010. Master
Nonlinear vibrations of axially-loaded anti-symmetric cross-ply cylindrical shells
Gao, Yong Iu, Vai Pan 1999. Master
Nonlinear vibrations and random vibrations of offshore floating structures moored by cables check Full Text
Wang, Kun Er, Guo Kang 2018. Doctoral
Total Results: 147

Showing 51 to 60 of 147 results