
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Advancements in surface wave inversion : deep learning approaches for shear wave velocity profiling in layered and continuous soil stiffness scenarios
Zhou, Zan Lok, Man Hoi 2024. Doctoral
Numerical analysis of delay fractional equations
Cen, Da Kang Vong, Seak Weng 2024. Doctoral
Task-based teaching of English in China's Mainland : a case study of four "master" teachers
Chen, Pei Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2008. Doctoral
A aspectualidade na traducao das frases do Chines para o Portugues
Leong, Cheok I Casteleiro João Malaca 2006. Doctoral
Quaternion low rank constraints-based modeling problems in multi-channel data
Han, Juan, Kou Kit Ian 2024. Doctoral
Intelligent fault diagnosis methods for rotating machinery under imperfect data conditions
Chen, Hao, Yang Zhi Xin 2024. Doctoral
Transfer learning for time series data
He, Qi Qiao, Si Yain Whar 2024. Doctoral
Restoration of images captured through translucent medium
Song, Bin Bin, Zhou Jian Tao 2024. Doctoral
3D human motion analysis based on monocular image and video
Li, Hao Lun, Pun Chi Man 2024. Doctoral
Efficient Federated Learning from Imbalanced Data in Heterogeneous Systems
Liao, Dong Ping, Xu Cheng Zhong. 2024. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

Showing 51 to 60 of 10000 results