
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_down
Dynamic water quality monitoring system achieved with Bayesian linear regression and triboelectric nanogenerator
Wang, Xing Yu Hao, Tianwei 2023. Master
Detection and recognition method of lung nodules based on deep learning
Li, Jin Yu 張立明 2023. Master
Design and implementation of 3D modeling software based on open CASCADE
Zhang, Qiang Vong, Chi Man 2024. Master
Design and implementation of deep neural network-based text-to-image generation system
Niu, Yue Pun, Chi Man 2023. Master
Development of an optimal anticancer peptide classifier by comprehensive assessment of sequence-based encodings, feature scaling, feature selection, and machine learning algorithm
Cheong, Hong Hin Si, Yain Whar 2023. Master
Design of bandgap voltage reference for IoT applications
Liu, Cong Lam, Chi Seng 2023. Master
Dual-view contrastive learning for auction recommendation
Ren, Dan Ni U, Leong Hou 2023. Master
Design and implementation of a cross-platform location-based information mobile application
Du, Shi Hang Gong, Zhi Guo 2023. Master
Design of the tunable UHF RFID tag antenna for metallic objects and; its application for axle counting of railway
Kuan, Wai Son Tam, Kam Weng 2023. Master
Do crime de branqueamento de capitais : introducao e tipicidade
Godinho, Jorge A. F. Andrade, Manuel da Costa 1999. Master
Total Results: 401

Showing 391 to 400 of 401 results