
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Translating cultural default : a study of two Chinese versions of Salinger's the Catcher in the Rye
Lee, Ka Weng Lei, Lai Cheng 2012. Master
A case study of the Chinese Union Version of the Holy Bible from the feminist perspective
Sou, Pui Ian Lei, Lai Cheng 2012. Master
Translating for intended readers : a case study of translations of Chinese poetic public notices
Zhang, Zhi Chao 張美芳 2012. Master
Translation of worldplay in Amy Tan's the Joy Luck Club
Su, Jin Lei, Lai Cheng 2012. Master
The impact of a growing number of female public relations agency owners on public relations industry in Macau
Vong, Sonia Chen, Yi Ru 2007. Master
The rhythm of everyday life : a study on the impact of illegal music downloading and the life of adult women in Macau
Pang, Sam I 吳玫 2006. Master
Relationship management and job satisfaction : how to prolong employee relationships in organizations in Macau
Iong, Luisa Chen, Yi Ru 2008. Master
New iconic symbol in/of Macao : the new globalized consumer spaces
Hong, Ioi Man Simpson,Timothy Alan 2007. Master
Communication research in China : a comparison of Mainland China and overseas communication journal articles from 1995 to 2005
Zhang, Miranda Dan Chen, Huai Lin 2007. Master
Virtual community as a public space : a case study on a Chinese study abroad BBS
Xiao, Han Liu Shih Diing 2007. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 51 to 60 of 10000 results