
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
中國經濟改革開放 (自1978至2003年) 的財政政策及其對政府職能及架構的影響
陳賽紅 林明基 2006. Master
Writing, pedagogy and creative practice : the application of Howard Gardner's MI theory in the Macao high school classroom
Ho, Weng Ian Kelen Christopher 2007. Master
Investigating the realization of interpersonal function in English writing : a case study of a Macao Chinese secondary school students' writing
Pang, Ka Man 張美芳 2008. Master
Fairytales across cultures
Han, Li Li Kelen Christopher 2007. Master
Translating multifunctional texts : policy address delivered by chief executive of MSAR
Ho, Ieng Na 張美芳 2007. Master
A study of English reading attitudes, habits and strategies used by students in a secondary school in Macao
Tang, Nga Fong Wilhelm, Kim Hughes 2007. Master
Contemporary Chinese readers' interpretation of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
Zhou, Jian Lei, Lai Cheng 2007. Master
China under western eyes : Alice Mildred Cable' s depiction of China and her peoples in The Gobi Desert
Lam, Pui Keng 2008. Master
Composition effects on rising residual wage inequality
Ma, Mu Toche, Patrick 2008. Master
Macao poetry today : a study of contemporary writing across cultures
Vong, Lai Ieng Kelen Christopher 2008. Master
Total Results: 10000

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