
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Transmission of equity returns and volatility in Asia-Pacific markets : a multivariate GARCH analysis
Zhou, Jin Shun Zheng, Ming Li 2009. Master
Frisch demands and the intertemporal allocation of expenditure
Espirito Santo, Anabela Nogueira do Wong, Ka Kei 2009. Master
An empirical analysis of the underground economy in China : 1978-2007
Su, Fei Ho, Wai Hong 2009. Master
Influence of media female image on the perception of college students in Macao
Vong, Diana Chen, Huai Lin 2008. Master
An examination of mathematical writing features in sixth-grade Chinese students
Song, Xiu Wen 林鑫 Master
Representations of nature of science in science textbooks : A systematic review
Su, Ri Ping 魏冰 Master
Investigating the use of Six Bricks to teach place value to first grade students
陳迪朗 林鑫 Master
A qualitative study on secondary school students’ motivation in learning Putonghua in Macau
Un, Cho Mei 龔陽 Master
揉合中醫診斷理論於幼兒園探究式教學活動中 : 一項探討如何培養問題解決能力的行動研究
林敏雪 黃鏡英 Master
An empirical study of firm-level social pension insurance in Jilin Province
Xu, Chi Zheng, Ming Li 2009. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 181 to 190 of 10000 results