
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Student satisfaction with English instruction in Macao
Lei, Iok Wa Whilhelm, Kim Hughes 2006. Master
Amy Tan's The Kitchen God's Wife : awakened women and silenced men
Wang, Kai Lei, Lai Cheng 2006. Master
論字典的 "文白異讀" 編纂方法 : 以 "廣州話正音字典" 為例
羅瑞文 鄧景濱 2007. Master
黎燕娜 鄧景濱 2007. Master
梁惠英 鄧景濱 2007. Master
Coming alive in context : a case of idiom translation in Camel Xiangzi
Zhang, Jia Yun Li, Jian 2012. Master
周菲凡 鄧景濱 2007. Master
施雅旋 邵朝陽 2007. Master
A descriptive study of how culture-specific terms are glossed in a Chinese translation of Angels and Demons
Lam, Chou I Wang, Xian 2012. Master
Translation shifts of speech roles and modality in legislative and business texts
Choi, Wai Kuan Wang, Xian 2012. Master
Total Results: 10000

Showing 141 to 150 of 10000 results