
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Pile Dynamics and its applications in Macau
Ao, Peng Kong Subrahmanyam, M. S. 1997. Master
Portuguese-Chinese machine translation based on translation corresponding tree (TCT) annotation scheme
Tang, Chi Wai Li, Yi Ping 2006. Master
Political bias in the news coverage of the Macao Assembly Election 2005 : analysis of three local newspapers
Cheong, Wai Kam Chen, Huai Lin 2007. Master
余欣欣 歐用生 2008. Master
Principles of European Union water law
Shi, Feng 2007. Master
Perceived service quality dimensionality and customer behavioral intention : the case of China mobile
Ren, Ye Nguyen, Thang Van 2007. Master
PCT : uma analise da determinacao em sintagmas nominais em traducoes automaticas do chines para o portugues
Fong, Pui Man Leal, Ana Luisa Varani 2013. Master
Pluggable repository for Internet-based software engineering environment
Tou, Chi Pio Guo, Zhen Sheng 1999. Master
Price discovery with asymmetric information : implication in asset pricing and corporate finance
Zhang, Ying Chao Cheung, Ming Yan 2009. Master
Particulas em cantones como marcas de sequencialidade em uma conversa entre jovens chineses de Macau : intersubjetividade e motor epistemico
Lao, Weng I Moutinho Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo 2016. Master
Total Results: 408

Showing 21 to 30 of 408 results