
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Efficient and secure card-based payment system based on ANSI X9.59-2006
Cheong, Chi Po Fong, Chi Chiu 2007. Master
Experimental investigation of the effect of ultrasonic inlet flow on heat transfer inside the horizontal mini-tubes check Full Text
Ip, Chi Wai, Tam, Lap Mou 2015. Master
Exploring the performance of TV news in Macau : content analysis of the news coverage on public issues : case study : comparing TDM and MASTV check Full Text
Fong, Si Man 張榮顯 2015. Master
Effects of venture capitalist participation on IPO firms : evidence from China
Pang, Wan Vong, Pou Iu 2010. Master
Ethical leadership and employee outcomes : an exploratory investigation in Macao
Cheong, Sok Ian 2011. Master
Equity-based crowd-funding in China : the existing legal issues and legislative proposals under current internet financial situation check Full Text
Zhang, Xia Wei 涂廣建 2016. Master
Examining food and beverage outlets in Macao and their implication for childhood obesity check Full Text
Lei, Lai Peng Chang, Wen Yu 2015. Master
EU eastern enlargement : impact on domestic institutional change : the Bulgarian anti-corruption policy case
Cai, Shuang 2008. Master
Estudo da traducao portugues-chines/chines-portugues das Convencoes Internacionais dos Direitos Humanos aplicaveis a Regiao Administrativa Especial de Macau
Lu, Chi Seng Alves Ana Cristina 2009. Master
Exclusive or extraterritorial? : jurisdiction in cross-border patent infringement, a Chinese perspective
Fei, Song Ran 涂廣建 2010. Master
Total Results: 477

Showing 21 to 30 of 477 results