
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
Cross-border, cross-culture, cross social media-a study of immigrant youth in Macao check Full Text
Wang, Yu Sa Liu Shih Diing 2018. Master
Clustering-based force-directed algorithms for three-dimensional graph visualization check Full Text
Lu, Jia Wei Si, Yain Whar 2018. Master
Computational study of smoke suppression by using water mist and sprinkler fire protection system in high rise building fire check Full Text
Lin, Han Sin, Vai Kuong 2016. Master
Circuit techniques for CMOS amplifier accuracy and robustness improvement in high-side current sensing Read-out circuit check Full Text
Yan, Rong Shen Sin, Sai-Weng 2017. Master
Chinese students' reactions towards rhoticity : a study of the language attitudes of undergraduate students from Macao and Chinese Mainland
Mok, Pui Ieng Moody, Andrew Jackson 2008. Master
Context-based translation of constant concept values in e-business
Guan, Xin Guo, Jing Zhi 2008. Master
Content-based image retrieval using color quantization, rectangular segmentation, and relevance feedback
Wong, Chan Fong Pun, Chi Man 2008. Master
Contemporary Chinese readers' interpretation of Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights
Zhou, Jian Lei, Lai Cheng 2007. Master
China under western eyes : Alice Mildred Cable' s depiction of China and her peoples in The Gobi Desert
Lam, Pui Keng 2008. Master
Chinese-English code-switching in the asynchronous CMC of Sina Weibo in Mainland China
Lin, Li Chan Hok Shing Brian 2012. Master
Total Results: 526

Showing 71 to 80 of 526 results