
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
A traducao literal como instrumento de mudanca : o tradutor Lu Xun
Zhang, Ye Baxter, Alan Norman 2009. Master
A study of research trends in international public relations
Leong, Rosa Li, Ying 2009. Master
ASEM : what degree on institutionalization?
Yang, Hai Feng 2009. Master
An investigation of mathematics writing features in seventh grade Chinese students
Cheng, Ge Ge 林鑫 2024. Master
An analysis of relations between media literacy and media participation
Chang, Xue 張榮顯 2009. Master
Association between bullying victimization, resilience, and well-being among Macanese adolescents : the role of bullying perpetration experience
Chan, Kit Hao 陳薇文 2024. Master
An English language needs analysis of civil engineering students at the University of Macau
Kuok, On Nei Pharis, Keith 2006. Master
A study of the mixing of English in Chinese newspaper advertisements in Hong Kong and Macao
Ng, Hong Chao 2006. Master
A study of Macao's identity in a local English newspaper
Cheung, Wai Park, Joseph Sung-yul 2006. Master
Aesthetic morality in Oscar Wilde's works
Lok, Fong Io Appler, Gilbert Keith 2007. Master
Total Results: 1257

Showing 1 to 10 of 1257 results