
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
17世紀漳州方言文獻中的多功能詞"共" "合" "同"及其演變 = Multifunctional words Gong, He, Tong in 17th century Zhangzhou dialectal records and their diachronic changes check Full Text
洪秋蘋 徐宇航 2022. Master
俞辰 孔兆偉 2009. Master
1781年暹羅赴華使團的籌備工作 = Arrangements for Siam's mission to Qing China in 1781 check Full Text
張毅 茅海建 2023. Master
16-20 世紀澳門土生族群的身份認同與教育 = Ethnic identity and education of the Macanese from 16-20 century check Full Text
梁舜欣 郭曉明 2020. Master
1D CNNs for chart pattern matching in financial time series check Full Text
Liu, Li Ying Si, Yain Whar 2019. Master
19世紀至20世紀初南北官話的規範音問題 : 基於西人文獻中的新證據 check Full Text
艾溢芳 侍建國 2017. Doctoral
Total Results: 6