
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
創造思考策略融入中國語文科教學對學生創造力之影響 = The effects of inclusion of creative thinking strategy in the teaching of Chinese lessons on student creativity
簡穗川 盧林發 2006. Master
何沛佳 張立明 2006. Master
教育戲劇課程設計之行動研究 : 以澳門協同特殊教育學校為例
鄭秀君 單文經 2006. Master
周慧心 田野 2006. Master
區運余 老志鈞 2006. Master
何慶文 劉高龍 2006. Master
上古漢語多音形貌詞研究 : 以"詩經"和"楚詞"為例 = The research on the multi-syllable XingMaoCi in Ancient Chinese : the case studies on "Poetry" and "Chu elegies"
李莉亞 張聯榮 2006. Master
Estudos sobre o Jornalismo Moderno de Macau = 澳門近代報業研究
Zhang, Xiao Fei 2006. Master
Auge declínio de uma mercadoria rara a pedra bezoar nos séculos XVI e XVII
Vilaca, Maria Elisa da Rocha Loureiro Rui Manuel 2006. Master
Responsabilidade civil extracontratual do estado, Regiao Administrative Especial de Macau
Sousa, Americo Xavier de 2006. Master
Total Results: 10000

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