
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_down Degree
孫靈犀 卞鷹 2006. Master
Implications of reforms on Chinese accounting practices
Ip, Chi Kuan Noronha, Carlos 2006. Master
Assessment of urban combined sewer overflow system in Macao peninsula
Kuok, Chi Cheong 王石安 2006. Master
Nationalism behind the coverage of gold medal : a comparative analysis of Olympic reports in Mainland China and Hong Kong newspapers
Wong, Pak Mei Chen, Huai Lin 2006. Master
澳門之 "藥物不良反應" 通報策略
趙穎 卞鷹 2006. Master
鄧雲春 卞鷹 2006. Master
An examination of the relationship between future cash flow and historical earnings, components of earnings and cash flow
Ho, Sio Man Gift, Michael Joseph 2006. Master
Proangiogenic effect of Angelica sinensis, Radix Astragali and Radix notoginseng in zebrafish
Lin, Hui Chao 李紹平 2006. Master
趙靜 王一濤 2006. Master
周婉娜 卞鷹 2006. Master
Total Results: 9994

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