
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Experimental and numerical study of the effect of surface vibration on heat transfer in horizontal mini-tubes check Full Text
Chen, Xiao Wei Tam, Lap Mou 2022. Master
"V 動" 述補結構的句法分析與歷時演變 = The syntactic analysis and the diachronic evolution of "V-Dong" verb-complement structure check Full Text
何磊 劉鴻勇 2022. Master
從"哲性鄉愁"看畢飛宇《青衣》的戲曲書寫 = The writing of the opera in Bi Feiyu's "Tsing Yi" from the perspective of "philosophical nostalgia" check Full Text
李雨君 龔剛 2022. Master
社會語言學視閾下《三體》語言風格研究 = The research on the language style of "The Three-Body Problem" from the perspective of sociolinguistics check Full Text
馬嘉爽 邵朝陽 2022. Master
從《北京兒歌》看 "兒" 構詞的語義限制條件 = The semantic constraints of Erhua from Pekinese Rhymes check Full Text
張楠 邵朝陽 2022. Master
白鯨成為《白鯨》: 象形文字的暴虐與文學性的書寫 = Moby Dick becomes Moby-Dick; or, The Whale : the violence of the hieroglyph and the writing of littérarité check Full Text
朱麗珊 龔剛 2022. Master
廣州呂田本地話音韻特徵與性質研究 = On the phonological characteristics and affiliation of the Lutian dialect in Guangzhou check Full Text
唐瀚宇 徐宇航 2022. Master
PFLL(Law on Technology and Medicine) 000 (SAMPLE) 科技法與醫療法 : 以香港科技法與醫療法為例
何科技 涂廣建 2022. Doctoral
PFLL(International Business Law and Dispute Resolution) 000 (SAMPLE) International business law and dispute resolution
Zhuo, Guo Ji Neuwirth Rostam J. 2022. Doctoral
PFLL(Civil, Procedural and Commercial Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 民商法學 : 中國民商法 = Civil, procedural and commercial law : civil, procedural and commercial law in China / Li Minshang.
李民商 唐曉晴 2022. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

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