
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
基於自閉症兒童與父母間家庭遊戲互動挑戰的家校合作質量研究 : 揭陽案例 check Full Text
陳詩婷 黃鏡英 2022. Master
中國資產評估機構母公司與分支機構間的信任研究 check Full Text
董文忠 Loi, Chi Ho 2022. Doctoral
An investigation of spatial justice from the perspective of a child's right to play : an illustrative case of Macao nurseries check Full Text
Wen, Yu Ting 黃素君 2022. Master
農村和貧困地區專項計劃學生大學適應的質性研究 check Full Text
周敏 周憶粟 2022. Master
高校學生對學生社團的參與和看法之研究 : 以澳門大學為例 check Full Text
劉業健 黃素君 2022. Master
Activation of bacterial apoptosis by BAA-1 to eradicate bacterial persister check Full Text
Luo, Jin Can Shim, Joong Sup 2022. Doctoral
Análise e avaliação das traduções realizadas pelo Google, Bing e Baidu de neologismos chineses na documentação do perído entre 2017-2020 para a língua portuguesa check Full Text
Zheng, Le Yi Leal, Ana Luísa Varani 2022. Master
Um jogo de linguagem templático em mandarim
Gao, Ke Nan Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de 2022. Master
O mundano em sala de aula de ILE na china continental
Tang, Ying Ying Moutinho Rodrigues da Silva, Ricardo 2022. Master
The dynamic epigenetic study of prostate cancer check Full Text
Fang, Chao Cheung, Chong Wing 2022. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

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