
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Sha Tau Kok villages : past, present and future
Cheung, Kwan Fong 1992. Master
Service quality in CEM customers' expectations and perceptions about electricity distribution services
Nascimento, Antonio Francisco Rita 1995. Master
Studies on managerial system of state-owned enterprises in China
Qiu, Yong 1995. Master
Smooth sovereignty handover of Macau : the socio-economic factors
Lao, Sio Wu Trigueiros, Duarte Manuel Forjaz Pacheco 1997. Master
Systems organised as networks : representation and problem solving with evolutionary computation
Lei, Chu San Miranda, Vladimiro 1997. Master
Subcontracting networks in Macau : an exploratory study of the garment industry
Fidalgo, Maria Alexandra Martins Shaw, David S. 1998. Master
Service quality and its implications to management : a case of Luso International Banking Ltd.
Lam, Kit Peng Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1999. Master
Stabilization of Macau clay with lime
Lam, Hin San Subrahmanyam, M. S. 2000. Master
Some applications of Krylov subspace methods with circulant-type preconditioners
Lei, Siu Long Jin, Xiao Qing 2000. Master
Some suggestions on developing the Chinese microbiology market
Song, Hao En 2000. Master
Total Results: 456

Showing 1 to 10 of 456 results