
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Modified NASICON solid-state electrolytes : structure and ionic migration
Zhou, Peng Fei Li, Hai Feng 2023. Doctoral
ManualFake : a deepfake dataset exploring commercial editing software and online social networks
Zhang, Shi Le Zhou, Jian Tao 2023. Master
Machine learning in accelerating microsphere formulation development
Deng, Jia Yin Lee, Ming-Yuen 2023. Master
Modeling contextual information for neural machine translation
Xu, Ming Zhou Wong, Fai 2023. Doctoral
Measuring liquidity commonality in stock market
Che, Seng Hon Liu, Zhi 2023. Master
Microwave sensor signal processing for target recognition and classification with deep learning
Yang, Chu Fan Cheong, Pedro 2023. Master
Modelling urban floods under the combined effects of rainfall and storm surge on Macau Peninsula
Hoi, Lok Kei Gao, Liang 2023. Master
Multi-Antenna RF energy harvesting system for RFID and wireless sensor network
Zhang, Zhao Bo Law, Man Kay 2024. Doctoral
Total Results: 338

Showing 331 to 338 of 338 results