
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Liberalizacao do comercio internacional : um caminho para o desenvolvimento economico e para a paz mundial
Chan, Lou Domingues, Cristiano Afonso de Oliveira 1996. Master
Loan management under the present banking system being reformed in China
Zhang, Xin Qiang Antonio, Nelson Jose dos Santos 1997. Master
Logistics management in supermarkets
Li, Jie Lian, Zhao Tong 2004. Master
黎暢明 李紹平 2004. Master
Legitimacy of foreign direct investment activities in the Pearl River Delta
Xu, Feng Lu Lam, Long Wai 2005. Master
Low loss microstrip dual-mode bandpass filter design with simultaneous size reduction and spurious response suppression
Fok, Si Weng Tam, Kam Weng 2005. Master
Laser surface modification of tool steels for enhancing surface properties
Leong, Ka Ip Kwok, Chi Tat 2006. Master
Laboratory study on the mechanical behavior of tire chip-sand mixtures
Yu, Hong Jie Lok, Man Hoi 2006. Master
Literature and creativity in Macao high schools
Lai, Kin Teng Kelen Christopher 2007. Master
Long-term performance of IPOs in China
Lin, Shi Hua Tam, Hon Keung 2007. Master
Total Results: 167

Showing 1 to 10 of 167 results