
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Immaterial labor in Chinese social networking site : a preliminary case study of the Renren network
Xia, Bing Qing Liu Shih Diing 2010. Master
Identity construction in the player community in Mainland China : a case study of World of Warcraft
Wang, Ri Jing Simpson, Timothy Alan 2010. Master
International regulation of government procurement and the evolution in China
Cheng, Jian Xiao Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
Is there a right to development? Challenges and international measures to enforce this right with a specific reference to the role of the WTO
Zhang, Yi He Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2010. Master
Impact of preschool language abilities and literacy activities inside school on later reading achievement : evidence from PIRLS with Hong Kong sample
Li, Xiao Min Lin, Sieh Hwa 2010. Master
Interpersonal communication pattern, information processing and media evaluation : analysis of Beijing audience on the eve of the 2008 Olympics check Full Text
Liang, Wen Ge Li, Xiao Qin 2010. Master
Is 'fast food mania' developed in Macua?: an exploration of the burgeoning fast food consumption patterns in an emerging market
Lo, Chong Fai Sy-Changco, Joseph Adea 2010. Master
In vitro characterization of metabolism and permeability of mulberroside A and its aglycone oxyresveratrol
Mei, Mei 王一濤 2010. Master
Instrumentation amplifier and filter design for biopotential acquisition system check Full Text
Chen, Chang Hao Vai, Mang I 2010. Master
Intangible cultural heritage in the People's Republic of China : the example of the Miao nationality
Zhuo, Jing Neuwirth Rostam J. 2011. Master
Total Results: 457

Showing 61 to 70 of 457 results