
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Instant messaging use among university students
Seng, I No 張榮顯 2008. Master
Influence of media female image on the perception of college students in Macao
Vong, Diana Chen, Huai Lin 2008. Master
Implication of Merger and Acquisitions by foreign investors in national security in China
Ge, Jun Wei Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2008. Master
Issues on agricultural subsidies in WTO and their impact on China
Song, Xue Ping 曾令良 2008. Master
Identifying predictors of school dropout through the perception of teachers in Macao
Tam, Hoi I 施達明 2008. Master
Image completion based on texture regularity and texture synthesis
Hao, Chuan Yan Wu, Enhua 2008. Master
In-vitro studies on the intestinal absorption mechanisms of flavonoids in Herba Epimedii
Ao, Hei Sio Zheng, Ying 2008. Master
Impact of IT on the business process and organizational structure in libraries : a case analysis of the University of Macau Library
Pun, Nga Ian ToraskarKranti 2008. Master
Inventory management study of a manufacturing company in China
Shen, Hong Lian, Zhao Tong 2008. Master
Inhibitory effect of Cryptotanshinone and Tanshinoe I on TNF-alpha-induced adhesion molecule expression in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Xiu, Chun Lee, Ming-Yuen 2008. Master
Total Results: 457

Showing 41 to 50 of 457 results