
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Intelligent human resource management system
Lei, Lin Gong, Zhi Guo 2005. Master
Investigation on gravity currents with laser induced fluorescence technique
Ieong, Ka Kit Mok Kai Meng 2005. Master
Investigation of shear lag effects on welded steel tension members
Zhu, Hai Tao Iu, Vai Pan 2005. Master
Integrated machine learning techniques with application to adaptive decision support system for automotive engineering
Vong, Chi Man Li, Yi Ping 2005. Doctoral
IQA : intelligent question answering from the web
Chan, Mei Pou Gong, Zhi Guo 2005. Master
Influence of spirituality on student career choice and strategy
Zhang, Huan Cheng, Soo May 2005. Master
Information systems for competitive advantages in air freight industry : a case study of "Shenzhen Airlines Cargo Corp., LTD."
Zhang, Yuan Qiao Wan, Guohua 2005. Master
Interpretes, topazes & linguas : elos de ligacao dos Portugueses, de Lisboa a Macau, seculos XV, XVI e XVII
Campos, Paula Cristina F. 2006. Master
Implications of reforms on Chinese accounting practices
Ip, Chi Kuan Noronha, Carlos 2006. Master
Investment strategy for redevelopment projects under uncertainty : real options approach
Chen, Jia Jin Lai, Neng 2006. Master
Total Results: 457

Showing 21 to 30 of 457 results