
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Embedded-link sphygmogram analyzer in e-home healthcare
Fu, Bin Bin Dong, Ming Chui 2008. Master
Experimental investigation on the consolidation and very small-strian stiffness properties of Macau marine clay
Shi, Xuan Tao Lok, Man Hoi 2008. Master
Evaluation of anti-proliferation activities and action mechanisms of the extracts from two species of Ganoderma on tumoral cells
Liu, Yu Wei 李紹平 2008. Master
European Union integration model : "follow me" model for ASEAN?
Coimbra, Joao Pedro de Sa 2008. Master
ECG QRS complex detection with programmable hardware = 心電圖QRS複合波檢測算法及可編程器件實現
Ieong, Chio In Vai, Mang I 2008. Master
Employment and casino in Macau
Liu, Ying Chang Hsiao-Chuan 2008. Master
EC competition law and policy and its implications for China
Tang, Tat Weng Snyder, Francis G. 2008. Master
Estimation of the perceived value of real estate in China
Wu, Yu Liu, Xiao Ming 2008. Master
Emergy synthesis for ecological economical system of Macao
Lei, Kam Peng 王志石 2008. Doctoral
ETS measurements and ventilation strategies for indoor environment
Wong, Kit Iong Tam, Lap Mou 2008. Master
Total Results: 477

Showing 41 to 50 of 477 results