
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Challenging the mainstream : youth identity and the popularity of Shanzhai mobile phones in China
Li, Hong Ye 吳玫 2009. Master
Challenges in electronic payment methods : legal issues with a specific reference to the development in China
Yu, Ya Yan Ramaswamy Muruga Perumal 2009. Master
Comparative study of soil constitutive models on simulation of a diaphragm walled excavation in Macao alluvium
Ng, Chi Hong Lok, Man Hoi 2009. Master
Communication via Vinay and Darbelnet's translation strategies : a case study of the book "Common Knowledge about Chinese Culture"
Lam, Oi Lin Pang, Kam Yiu 2009. Master
Chay Yew's "Whitelands Trilogy" : the queer hyphen in Asian(-)American identity
Kong, Io Chun Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master
Cross-cultural linguistic analysis : a case study : the bilingual welcoming message in the recruiting websites of different casinos and resorts in Macao
Iong, Kit Yeng Pang, Kam Yiu 2009. Master
Case-based reasoning for automotive engine electronic control unit calibration
Bao, Rui He Vong, Chi Man 2009. Master
Competitive condition among major Chinese banks
Kuang, Xiao Fang Fu, Xiao Qing 2009. Master
Contact tracing in Health-Care Information System : with SARS as a case study check Full Text
Leong, Kan Ion Si, Yain Whar 2009. Master
CSET model for optimizing make-to-order supply chain formation
Yang, Hang Fong, Chi Chiu 2009. Master
Total Results: 546

Showing 81 to 90 of 546 results