
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date arrow_drop_up Degree
Computational social science : from data collecting to analysis
Li, Fu Min Cai, Tian Ji 2023. Doctoral
Complex transportation scheduling with novel multi-objective intelligent optimization algorithms
Zhong, Hui Fen Lian, Zhao Tong 2023. Doctoral
Characteristics and mechanisms of HEDP-based controlled release beads for scale inhibition : experimental and modeling investigations
Huang, Chong Zhang, Ping 2023. Master
Clinical and economic evidence of liraglutide in adults with obesity
Lin, Qiu Cen 胡豪 2023. Master
Comparing the similarities and differences of predominant factors affecting English reading achievement between Macau and the UK based on PISA 2018
Xi, Zi Han 梁成安 2023. Master
Comparative insights into aerobic biodegradation of triclosan by Burkholderia sp. and Pseudomonas sp. : characterization, metabolic pathways and bioaugmentation
Qiu, Lan Shim, Hojae 2024. Doctoral
Total Results: 526

Showing 521 to 526 of 526 results