
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_down Issue Date Degree
PCT, Bing e Google : um estudo comparativo de sistemas de tradução automática em textos jornalísticos da mídia em Macau check Full Text
Han, Xiao Xuan Leal, Ana Luísa Varani 2020. Master
PCT : uma analise da determinacao em sintagmas nominais em traducoes automaticas do chines para o portugues
Fong, Pui Man Leal, Ana Luisa Varani 2013. Master
Process compensated CMOS temperature sensor exploiting piecewise base recombination current check Full Text
Sun, Da Peng Law, Man-Kay 2018. Master
Patterned surface wettability and advanced droplet manipulation techniques for disease diagnostics using digital microfluidics check Full Text
Li, Ming Zhong Law, Man Kay 2020. Doctoral
PFBA(OB) 000 (SAMPLE) A model of multiple identifications of professionals in the workplace
Liu, Yan Lam, Long Wai 2011. Doctoral
Profitable trading strategies in Hong Kong stock market
Leong, Luis Miguel Lam, Keith 2003. Master
Parametric study of collapse mechanism of unreinforced masonry (URM) structure and vulnerability assessment check Full Text
Wan, Hoi Lon Lam, Chi Chiu 2022. Master
Promoting knowledge sharing : a case of a utility company in Macau check Full Text
Chao, Wai I Lai, Yuen Man 2016. Master
Power of transcriptome and proteome to study venom-based peptides : uncover molecular anti-cancer mechanisms in biological systems check Full Text
Li, Bin Kwok, Hang Fai 2017. Doctoral
Pitting corrosion and cavitation erosion resistance of friction-surfaced AISI 201 coating check Full Text
Shi, Qing Qing Kwok, Chi Tat 2021. Master
Total Results: 408

Showing 301 to 310 of 408 results