
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Pastoralism and environmental ethics in the novels of Willa Cather : an ecocritical study check Full Text
Ieong, Weng Sam Appler, Gilbert Keith 2009. Master
Produção oral de "I", "n" e "r" por falantes Macaenses nativos de cantonês a aprender português : um estudo experimental check Full Text
Ding, Yu Bing Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de 2021. Master
Proparoxítonas no português de São Tomé e Príncipe check Full Text
Wu, Xin Ya Araujo, Gabriel Antunes de 2021. Master
Preparacao do interprete de simultanea para os julgamentos de processos-crime no Tribunal Judicial de Base
Chen, Julia Baxter, Alan Norman 2009. Master
PFSS(P) 000 (SAMPLE) The modifying effect of social resources between posttraumatic stress disorder and sleep dysfunction : a population representative study of filipino domestic workers in China
Xiong, Peng Brian J. Hall 2018. Doctoral
Political legitimacy and trust in the police : a comparison of mainland China and Taiwan check Full Text
Ma, Yong Chao Cai, Tian Ji 2019. Master
Pedrini in China (1710-1715) : the six years at the Kangxi Court check Full Text
Ma, Yu Tong Cams, Mario 2022. Master
Perceived allyship by women : looking at allyship from the perspective of the target
Wei, Jing Yi Chan, Sow Hup 2024. Doctoral
Perceived appropriateness and ability to engage in cognitive and emotional deception in China - Macau
Ng, Tsz Shing Chan, Sow Hup 2008. Master
Profile the e-WOM communication pattern of brand microblogging with COBRA typology check Full Text
Zhao, Xin Chang, Wen Yu 2014. Master
Total Results: 408

Showing 1 to 10 of 408 results