
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
Male and female's willingness-to-pay for wine for self-consumption versus gift-giving : a perceived social image perspective check Full Text
Liang, Li Min Si, Kao 2019. Master
Money laundering data analysis and visualization
Cheong, Tat Man Si, Yain Whar 2011. Master
Multi-source transfer learning for financial time series forecasting check Full Text
He, Qi Qiao Si, Yain Whar 2019. Master
Multi-threshold trend following in financial time series check Full Text
Liu, Jing Yuan Si, Yain Whar 2016. Master
MAS(LING) 000 (SAMPLE) Estrategias de autosselecao adotadas por alunos Chineses em interacoes de sala de aula de PLNM
Li, Pan Silva, Roberval Teixeira e 2016. Master
MAS 000 (SAMPLE) Construção de indentidades socioculturais no discurso de líderes de iniciativas de ensino de Português em igrejas evangélicas para imigrantes Chineses em São Paulo
Zhang, Xiang Silva, Roberval, Teixeira e 2018. Master
Macanese in the global network : a study of post-colonial Macanese cultural identity performance
Larrea Y Eusebio, Maria Elisabela Simpson, Timothy Alan 2008. Master
MA(CM) 000 (SAMPLE) The self-presentation of fans : the construction of identity through activities of SNH48 fan group
Lu, Sai Er Simpson, Timothy Alan 2018. Master
Mismatch calibration techniques for low-power high-speed time-interleaved ADC check Full Text
Guo, Ming Qiang Sin, Sai-Weng 2020. Doctoral
Macau gross gaming revenue forecasting : a comparison check Full Text
Ao, Hou Chon So, Man Shing 2017. Master
Total Results: 352

Showing 181 to 190 of 352 results