
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor arrow_drop_up Issue Date Degree
How do interpreting patterns implicate neurocognitive processing routes? evidence from English vs Chinese consecutive interpreting check Full Text
Liu, Xiao Dong Li, Defeng 2018. Doctoral
How does business group affiliation affect firm performance? : an empirical study in China
Yan, Shuang Shuang Li, Guo Qiang 2008. Master
How users' emotional connectedness to Facebook and WeChat influences their attitudes towards Facebook and WeChat advertisements in Macao check Full Text
Lam, Lai San Li, Xiao Qin 2022. Master
High performance hydrogel adsorbents for water remediation check Full Text
Tang, Zi Qing Li, Zongjin 2022. Doctoral
How did nationalism affect Myanmar's democracy? check Full Text
Duan, Mao Lin Lin, Zhimin 2016. Master
How employer branding enhances small and medium-sized enterprises' (SMEs) business operation and marketing in Macao check Full Text
Mu, Wei Qian Liu, Ting Chi 2016. Master
How social media marketing affect brand loyalty in the mediating role of brand engagement : an empirical study check Full Text
Zeng, Qing Ya Liu, Ting Chi 2017. Master
How brand equity elements influence consumers' attitude and purchase intentions : a study in hotel industry in Macau check Full Text
Kok, Hei Lam Liu, Ting Chi 2015. Master
How vlogger affects parasocial interaction and brands check Full Text
Lam, I Kei Liu, Ting Chi 2017. Master
How different package design tools influence young consumers' product purchase intention check Full Text
Lou, Ka Ieng Liu, Ting Chi 2014. Master
Total Results: 176

Showing 61 to 70 of 176 results