
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Failure mechanism of slopes reinforced with soil nails by three-dimensional finite element analysis check Full Text
Ao, Tong Man Zhou, Wan Huan 2015. Master
Raman imaging data preprocessing for quantitative analysis check Full Text
Ao, Wai Hou Chen, Long 2019. Master
MST(S) 000 (SAMPLE) RamanImaging data preprocessing for quantitative analysis
Ao, Wai Hou Chen, Long 2019. Master
Bullying victimization perpetration overlap among adolescents : the role of delinquent peers, attitudes toward violence and behavioral motivation check Full Text
Ao, Xin Li, De 2023. Master
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of volatile components in Curcuma longa based on virtual (digital) chemical standards check Full Text
Aoli, Mei Jun 李紹平 2013. Master
Uma dinastia de empresarios : A familia Vicente Rosa em Macau no Seculo XVIII
Araujo, Dalila Carmen de Sousa Alves, Jorge Manuel dos Santos 2009. Master
O Governo Lemos e Faria e suas relações com o Senado de Macau (1806-1808/1810-1817)
Assis, Rogério da Guia de Alves, Jorge Manuel dos Santos 2010. Master
Study of Macau sport spectators' motivation and satisfaction in watching a basketball game : using inter CBC as an example check Full Text
Au Ieong, Sin Ieng 何敬恩 2017. Master
What makes employees loyal : a case study
Au Ieong, Un Nam Zen Udani 2007. Master
Time and space in real-time activity : a projection analysis of a synchronised multi-angle video of training interaction check Full Text
Au Yeung, Shing Hung Fitzgerald Richard 2021. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

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