
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Pharmaceutical patent valuation based on technology innovation and applications in the industry check Full Text
胡元佳 王一濤 2009. Doctoral
PFLL(Private Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) 法律行為效力依據的動態體系論 : 以 "澳門民法典" 的相關規定為例 =
艾林芝, 唐曉晴 2015. Doctoral
P2P 網絡借貸的法律風險與規制 = Legal risk and regulation of P2P lending check Full Text
蔣東霖 范劍虹 2016. Master
Probabilistic evidentce[i.e. evidence] synthesis from randomized controlled trials check Full Text
賈永亮 梁少偉 2020. Doctoral
PFLL(Criminal Juridical Sciences) 000 (SAMPLE) 國際刑事政策視角下的跨國販賣人口犯罪研究
郭晶 趙國強 2012. Doctoral
PFSS(PA) 000 (SAMPLE) 中國能源安全戰略與中美關係
鄭雲杰 Hao, Yufan 2018. Doctoral
PFLL(Jurisprudence and Legal History) 000 (SAMPLE) 法哲學與法制史 : 澳門法哲學 = Jurisprudence and legal history : Macau jurisprudence / Chan Fa Che.
陳法哲 唐曉晴 2022. Doctoral
PFLL(Maritime Law) 000 (SAMPLE) "鹿特丹規則" 統一海運規則可行性研究 : 以 "一帶一路" 為背景
陳石 Mo Shijian 2018. Doctoral
PFAH(LING-P) 000 (SAMPLE) Reparo como estratégia cooperativa na interação em sala de aula = Repair as cooperative strategy in classroom interaction
顏巧容 Silva, Roberval Teixeira e 2019. Doctoral
PFLL(Constitutional Law, Basic Law and Administrative Law) 000 (SAMPLE) 論撤銷之訴的法構造
高鵬 蔣朝陽 2018. Doctoral
Total Results: 392

Showing 381 to 390 of 392 results