
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
MFE 000Curriculum and Instruction (SAMPLE) 合作學習融入小五中文閱讀理解教學的行動研究
王翠菱 王志勝 2019. Master
Mosston 命令式與理解式球類教學在澳門高中籃球教學效果之比較研究 check Full Text
程謙 何敬恩 2012. Master
MFE 000Educational Administration (SAMPLE) 父母參與下的中國內地學生境外研究生教育選擇 : 以中國廣州為例
羅浠汶 周憶粟 2018. Master
MCS(LIT) 000 (SAMPLE) 左翼文學論爭中魯迅思想的轉變 = The changes of Lu Xun's thought in the left-wing literature debate
董婉儀 朱壽桐 2019. Master
Mediation mechanisms and learner characteristics of Macao's grade repeaters : a study of reading engagement and metacognitive reading strategies check Full Text
蔣偉昌 張國祥 2018. Doctoral
MFLL 000Juridical Sciences (Chinese Language) (SAMPLE) 澳門性犯罪的立法, 改革及發展 = The legislation, reform and development of sexual crimes in Macau
裴先達 邱庭彪 2019. Master
MFLL 000Macau Law and Practice (SAMPLE) 澳門特別行政區公務人員聘任制度法律問題研究 = A study on the legal problems of the regime of recruitment of public servants in Macao Special Administrative Region
譚慧華 何志遠 2018. Master
MFLL 000Juridical-Political Sciences (Chinese Language) (SAMPLE) 澳門政制發展中的立法會間接選舉制度 = Indirect election system of Legislative Council in the constitutional development of Macau
鄭嘉恩 駱偉建 2012. Master
Total Results: 348

Showing 341 to 348 of 348 results