
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author arrow_drop_up Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Design of illumination patterns and detectors in single-pixel imaging and their applications
Xiong, Jia Hao Liu, Hongchao 2024. Doctoral
Development of novel polymeric nanoparticle for oral delivery of anti-diabetic nephropathy alkaloids isolated from Rhizoma Coptidis check Full Text
Xiong, Wei Yu, Hua 2020. Doctoral
Development of a business assessment framework for the adoption of blockchain technology : blockchain process reengineering assessment (BPRA) framework check Full Text
Xu, Dan Chan, Wing Han 2019. Master
Do contrato de mediacao imobiliaria check Full Text
Xu, Huan Monteiro, Antonio Pinto 2016. Master
Developing management education in EU : towards globalization or localization
Xu, Liang Meyer, Thomas 2008. Master
Diffusion of competing media frames in social movement : a case of "Anti-Retirement Package Bill event" in Macau check Full Text
Xu, Min Chen, Huai Lin 2015. Master
Design, analysis, and control of parallel robots with different applications
Xu, Qing Song Li, Yang Min 2008. Doctoral
Disclosure of corporate social responsibility in the Chinese E-commerce industry check Full Text
Xu, Rong Noronha, Carlos 2016. Master
Design piracy : a critical analysis of the present protection of fashion design by intellectual property laws
Xue, Jiao Neuwirth Rostam J. 2014. Master
Dessecting the mechanical profiles and the underlying mechanoimmunological mechanism of macrophages check Full Text
Xue, Yi Ze Bang 王春明 2021. Doctoral
Total Results: 420

Showing 341 to 350 of 420 results