
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Which Chinese herbal probal products work best for survival outcome and improvement of hepatic function in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)? : statistical analysis by frequentist network meta-analytic approach check Full Text
Lo, Ka Cheng 卞鷹 2021. Master
Which law applies? : the choice-of-law problems in cross-border copyright cases check Full Text
Zhang, Cheng Run 涂廣建 2014. Master
Which one is your mother tongue? : a study of language ideologies and attitudes towards Cantonese and Putonghua (Mandarin) in Guangzhou, China check Full Text
Huo, Qian Ting Sandel, Todd L. 2014. Master
White learning methodology : a case study of medical data analysis check Full Text
Li, Teng Yue Fong, Chi Chiu 2019. Master
Who are the right audiences of gifts advertisements? : the effectiveness of stereotyping, third-person effect and closeness plays on gift advertisements check Full Text
Wong, Si Weng Liu, Ting Chi 2019. Master
Who killed TTIP : the role of populism in failure of TTIP check Full Text
Meng, Qiao Passarelli, Francesco 2021. Master
Why Chinese Renminbi has not become international currency?
Wang, Yu Na Hao, Yufan 2014. Master
Why could unified China gain national interest on the path of peaceful development? : the contribution from authentic realism consisting of six factors check Full Text
Jin, Xin 盛力 2022. Doctoral
Why do Chinese consumers buy high-end but low-key luxury goods? : a study in Macau check Full Text
Lei, Ka Man Liu, Ting Chi 2017. Master
Why does the EU still refuse granting market economy status to China? check Full Text
Sun, Yun Chuan Hao, Yufan 2017. Master
Total Results: 92

Showing 41 to 50 of 92 results