
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title arrow_drop_up Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree
Macau na segunda metade do seculo XVIII
Vale, Antonio Manual Martins do Matos, Artur Teodoro de 1994. Master
Macau no tempo de Bento Pereira de Faria, 2a metade do sec. XVII
Monteiro, Anabela Nunes 1998. Master
Macau oitocentista e o impacto da fundacao de Hong Kong
Pinto, Carlos Lipari Garcia Matos, Artur Teodoro de 1994. Master
Macau patoa words in English : a preliminary study on Macau patoa as an intermediate or direct source of English loanwords
Cabreros, Peter Edward Millan Guthrie, William 1999. Master
Macau secondary students' attitudes towards collaborative learning in the EFL classroom check Full Text
Cheong, Hio Chong Gan, Zheng Dong 2017. Master
Macau tourism modeling and forecasting comparative approach check Full Text
Kuan, Kuong Io So, Man Shing 2013. Master
Macau's destination image based on mainland Chinese tourists' travel blogs check Full Text
Liu, Jin McCartney, Glenn 2021. Master
Macau's tourism develpment in the eyes of local integrated resorts' employees check Full Text
Un, Weng Kuan 2021. Master
Machine learning in accelerating microsphere formulation development
Deng, Jia Yin Lee, Ming-Yuen 2023. Master
Machine learning methods for disease detection via medical biometrics check Full Text
Zhang, Qi Zhang, Yi Bo 2023. Doctoral
Total Results: 349

Showing 21 to 30 of 349 results