
UM E-Theses Collection (澳門大學電子學位論文庫)

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Title Author Supervisor Issue Date Degree arrow_drop_up
走向中唐 : 唐代士人轉型與文章體式 check Full Text
蔣金珅 楊義 2016. Doctoral
錢基博與中國文學學術的現代轉型 check Full Text
閆真真 龔剛 2017. Doctoral
陳子昂研究 check Full Text
余春麗 賈晉華 2016. Doctoral
日本在對華擴張戰爭中的宣傳戰 (1931-1945) check Full Text
吳婉惠, Wei, C. X., George 2016. Doctoral
A discourse of devils : representations of the Japanese in Chinese war films after 1949 check Full Text
Jiang, Wei Schirato, Tony 2016. Doctoral
Prevalence of depression and related issues and their associations with demographic and clinical characteristics and quality of life among university students in China check Full Text
Li, Lu Xiang Yu Tao 2017. Doctoral
Preconditioning techniques for a family of Toeplitz-like systems with financial applications
Zhang, Ying Ying, Jin, Xiao Qing 2010. Doctoral
A generalized 3D pulse width modulator for multi-level voltage source inverters in three-phase four-wire power systems check Full Text
Dai, Ning Yi 韓英鐸 2007. Doctoral
魏晉六朝體道精神與 "文心雕龍" 徵聖立言觀念研究 check Full Text
歐陽艷華 鄧國光 2013. Doctoral
詞原考論 check Full Text
何曉敏 施議對 2013. Doctoral
Total Results: 10000

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